
Improvements, new features and fixes

  • Today we're releasing packages v3.0.0-beta.15 with some breaking changes, fixes, and API improvements.

    Breaking changes

    v3.0.0-beta.15 updates the Task.trigger, Task.batchTrigger and their *AndWait variants to use the first parameter for the payload/items, and the second parameter for options.


    await yourTask.trigger({
    payload: { foo: "bar" },
    options: { idempotencyKey: "key_1234" },
    await yourTask.triggerAndWait({
    payload: { foo: "bar" },
    options: { idempotencyKey: "key_1234" },
    await yourTask.batchTrigger({
    items: [{ payload: { foo: "bar" } }, { payload: { foo: "baz" } }],
    await yourTask.batchTriggerAndWait({
    items: [{ payload: { foo: "bar" } }, { payload: { foo: "baz" } }],


    await yourTask.trigger({ foo: "bar" }, { idempotencyKey: "key_1234" });
    await yourTask.triggerAndWait({ foo: "bar" }, { idempotencyKey: "key_1234" });
    await yourTask.batchTrigger([
    { payload: { foo: "bar" } },
    { payload: { foo: "baz" } },
    await yourTask.batchTriggerAndWait([
    { payload: { foo: "bar" } },
    { payload: { foo: "baz" } },

    We've also changed the API of the triggerAndWait result. Before, if the subtask that was triggered finished with an error, we would automatically "rethrow" the error in the parent task.

    Now instead we're returning a TaskRunResult object that allows you to discriminate between successful and failed runs in the subtask:


    try {
    const result = await yourTask.triggerAndWait({ foo: "bar" });
    // result is the output of your task
    console.log("result", result);
    } catch (error) {
    // handle subtask errors here


    const result = await yourTask.triggerAndWait({ foo: "bar" });
    if (result.ok) {
    console.log(`Run ${} succeeded with output`, result.output);
    } else {
    console.log(`Run ${} failed with error`, result.error);


    • Fixes an issue when using idempotency keys with triggerAndWait and batchTriggerAndWait failing to resume if the idempotency key matched an already completed run.
    • Add additional logging around cleaning up dev workers, and always kill them after 5 seconds if they haven't already exited
    • Fixes an issue that caused failed tasks when resuming after calling triggerAndWait or batchTriggerAndWait in prod/staging (this doesn't effect dev).

    The version of Node.js we use for deployed workers (latest 20) would crash with an out-of-memory error when the checkpoint was restored. This crash does not happen on Node 18x or Node21x, so we've decided to upgrade the worker version to Node.js21x, to mitigate this issue.

    You'll need to re-deploy to production to fix the issue.


    • We no longer limit individual task concurrency when no concurrency limit is set for the task or the queue the task belongs to. The concurrency limit will fall back to the org/env concurrency limit instead.

    Upgrade now

    To upgrade to v3.0.0-beta.15, run:

    npm install @trigger-dev/[email protected]


    yarn add @trigger-dev/[email protected]


    pnpm add @trigger-dev/[email protected]

  • Now you can create scheduled tasks in v3. If you haven't already you should sign up for the v3 waitlist.

    At the end I'll reveal what schedule the CRON pattern in the image above, 0 17 * * 5, represents. You CRON nerds need closure.

    In the video my scheduled task posts a GIF to Slack every minute.


    • Define your task in code using schedules.task()
    • Attach many schedules (across environments) to each task in the dashboard.
    • Attach schedules using the SDK (you can do dynamic things like a schedule for each of your users using externalId)
    • List, view, edit, disable, re-enable, create and delete using the dashboard, SDK and REST API.
    • Use AI to help you create CRON patterns in the dashboard.

    Full docs here:

    An example scheduled task

    This is the scheduled task code from the video above.


    import { WebClient } from "@slack/web-api";
    import { retry, schedules } from "";
    const slack = new WebClient(process.env.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN);
    //define the task using schedules.task()
    export const randomTimeGif = schedules.task({
    id: "random-time-gif",
    run: async (payload) => {
    //Get 25 GIFs related to "time" from the giphy API
    const randomGifResponse = await retry.fetch(
    const json = await randomGifResponse.json();
    //pick a random GIF URL from the results
    const resultCount =;
    const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * resultCount);
    const url =[randomIndex]?.url;
    if (!url) {
    throw new Error("No gif found");
    //post to a Slack channel
    const result = await{
    text: url,
    channel: process.env.SLACK_CHANNEL_ID!,
    return { success: true };

    As shown in the video, you can attach a schedule to this task in the dashboard. This is great for most use cases.

    Dynamic schedules (or multi-tenant)

    Using the SDK you can do more advanced scheduling. For example, you could let your users define a schedule that they want to post GIFs to their own Slack workspace channel.

    First take what we had before and modify the task slightly:


    import { WebClient } from "@slack/web-api";
    import { retry, schedules } from "";
    import { db } from "@/db";
    //define the task using schedules.task()
    export const scheduledSlackGifs = schedules.task({
    id: "scheduled-slack-gifs",
    run: async (payload) => {
    //we'll set the externalId to a row in our database when we create the schedule
    if (!payload.externalId) {
    throw new Error("externalId is required");
    //get the details of what the user wants
    const { slackToken, slackChannelId, gifSearchQuery } =
    await db.getGifSchedule(payload.externalId);
    //Get 25 GIFs related to "time" from the giphy API
    const randomGifResponse = await retry.fetch(
    const json = await randomGifResponse.json();
    //pick a random GIF URL from the results
    const resultCount =;
    const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * resultCount);
    const url =[randomIndex]?.url;
    if (!url) {
    throw new Error("No gif found");
    //post to a Slack channel
    const slack = new WebClient(slackToken);
    const result = await{
    text: url,
    channel: slackChannelId,
    return { success: true };

    Then in your backend code you need to register a schedule for this task. This is a Next.js server action but the only thing that matters is that it's on your server:

    "use server";
    import { scheduledSlackGifs } from "@/trigger/scheduled-user-gifs";
    import { schedules } from "";
    import { db } from "@/db";
    export async function registerSchedule(
    userId: string,
    cron: string,
    searchQuery: string
    ) {
    try {
    //create a record for the GIF schedule for this user
    const row = await db.createGifSchedule(userId, searchQuery);
    //create a new schedule for this GIF schedule
    const createdSchedule = await schedules.create({
    //the row id, so we can retrieve the row inside the run
    //don't allow multiple shedules for the same GIF schedule
    return { scheduleId: };
    } catch (error) {
    return {
    error: "something went wrong",

    The user has defined their own reminder frequency and what kind of GIFs they want.

    Read the full docs for everything that scheduled tasks allow.

    So the CRON pattern 0 17 * * 5 is every Friday at 5pm (UTC). I hope that helps you sleep at night.

  • The v3 Developer Preview begins in a couple of weeks. So it's the perfect time to share some of the changes coming to our dashboard.

    If you haven't already you should sign up for early access. I'll wait here.

    Runs with realtime traces

    A flat log of events is hard to follow, especially when dealing with a complex task with lots of asynchronous operations. Luckily there's a great existing solution for this: traces.

    We're using OpenTelemetry to give you realtime traces on your tasks. That means you can see a hierarchical view of everything that's happening, including the span of time, logs, and any subtasks you've triggered.

    Fun fact: OpenTelemetry doesn't support pending spans so we had to perform some wizardry to get the correct hierarchy even while a task is still running.

    View every log across all your tasks

    Logs page

    When you have a problem it's easier to search for a specific log across all your tasks. The new logs page has text search and advanced filtering so you can find problems faster. Then you can jump to see the associated run.

    Test your tasks right from the dashboard


    The new test page makes it faster to test a specific task and clearer which environment it will run against.

    Create and manage environment variables

    Environment variables

    In v3 your code is deployed in a container. This has lots of advantages including no-timeouts and far better durability. It does mean you need to add any environment variables your code needs.

    We will be shipping integrations with popular platforms like Vercel so you don't have to manually add/update these. But for now you can manage them directly in the dashboard.

    View all your deployed tasks in one place


    Every time you deploy, a new version of all your tasks is created. Any existing runs will continue to use the version they started on. But any runs that haven't started will use the latest version.

    On the deployments page you can quickly see all the versions that have been deployed along with the associated tasks.

  • You can (finally) rename and delete your projects and organizations.

    This has been a highly requested feature because sometimes you want to have a sandbox to play around in before you create the real thing. Or maybe you're just a terrible typist. No judgement.

    Project settings in the sidebar

    Make sure you're really sure when you delete anything because there's no going back. To guard against this we ask you to type in the slug to confirm you want to delete it.

    How to update

    The Cloud is now running v2.2.36. If you are self-hosting you can upgrade by pinning to the v2.2.36 tag.

  • We've added a new section called "Events" to the side menu. Here you can view all the events that have been received in your project.

    Events are sent when using client.sendEvent(), from webhooks using our integrations, and when using HTTP Endpoints.

    Using the new run filters

    An event can trigger more than one run, so you can click through from an event to see the runs that it triggered, as well as view the payload and context.

    Thanks to Kritik-J for the excellent Pull Request.

    How to update

    The Cloud is now running v2.2.28. If you are self-hosting you can upgrade by pinning to the v2.2.28 tag.

  • Filter your runs

    Now you can now quickly find runs by filtering by environment (Dev, Staging, Prod) and by the run status.

    Using the new run filters

    All of the filters are stored in the URL so you can use the magic of copy+paste to quickly share the filtered view with your team.

    We've also changed which Dev runs we show in the runs list. Previously we only showed your Dev runs so it was impossible to see runs from your teammates. Now we show you all Dev runs, and clearly label runs which aren't yours.

    Thanks to Abhi1992002 for their great Pull Request.

    How to update

    The Cloud is now running v2.2.27. If you are self-hosting you can upgrade by pinning to the v2.2.27 tag.

  • Yet Another Local Tunnel

    When working with in local development, we automatically open a free ngrok tunnel to your local app server so the server can send requests to your local app server. Unfortunately free ngrok tunnels are restricted to 120 requests per minute, and if exceeded will return a 429 error.

    Starting in[email protected], we have dropped ngrok in favor of a custom tunneling solution which we're calling "" (Yet Another Local Tunnel). is a tunneling solution built on top of Cloudflare Workers and Durable Objects that is designed to be used with the Cloud service, and drops all limits on the number of requests that can be sent to your local app server.

    How to use it

    If you are on the latest version of the CLI, you can run dev as you normally would, and the CLI will automatically use instead of ngrok. Currently is only available to users of the Cloud service, so if you are self-hosting the server, the CLI will automatically fallback to using ngrok.

    You can also continue to use your own custom tunnel URL by passing the -t flag to the CLI, for example dev -t

    How it works

    When you run the dev command on your local machine, the CLI makes a request to the cloud service to create a new tunnel, returning the tunnel URL (which looks like <tunnelId> That tunnel URL resolves to a Cloudflare Worker that we've deployed (and you can view the source code for it here).

    The CLI will then open a new WebSocket connection (powered by partysocket 🎈) which is forwarded to a Durable Object. Finally, the CLI will then register that tunnel URL with your endpoint.

    So now that the tunnel setup is complete, when the server wants to send a request to your endpoint, it will make a POST request to the <tunnelId> URL, which again will be handled by that same Cloudflare Worker, which forwards it to tunnel's Durable Object instance, which has in memory the WebSocket connection to your local CLI. The CLI will then receive the request and forward it to your local app server, and respond back to the WebSocket connection with the response from your app server.


  • Usage and billing

    You may have noticed the Usage and Billing page in the app has had a bit of a face lift. You can now subscribe to a plan directly from the app and view your current monthly usage.


    Usage is now separated into concurrent runs and runs. Concurrent runs are the number of runs that are currently running at the same time. Runs is the total number of runs that have been run in the current month.



    Alongside the Usage page is a new Plans tab where you can upgrade or downgrade your subscription as well as estimate your monthly usage using the calculator.

    We've made the free plan more generous – with 10,000 runs per month and up to 5 concurrent runs. Of course, you can also always self-host.

    If you need more than 10,000 runs per month or a greater number of concurrent runs, you can upgrade to the paid plans from this page.

    As a special gesture this month, we’re increasing the concurrent runs to 25 for all free users (until January 1st).


  • Previously, you could only use on Node.js projects as our SDKs and integration packages were only available for Node.js. Today we are excited to announce that we've upgraded our SDKs to support three additional javascript runtimes:

    We've also added an adapter for, which also supports these runtimes. You can read more about getting started in our Hono Quickstart or checkout our Cloudflare Worker example project.

    How to update

    The Cloud is now running v2.2.20. If you are self-hosting you can upgrade by pinning to the v2.2.20 tag.

    The* packages are now at v2.3.0. You can update using the following command:

    npx update

  • Shopify Integration

    Shopify is an e-commerce platform that needs no introduction.

    You can now use our new Shopify Integration to easily add webhook triggers and perform tasks on Shopify resources:

    id: "shopify-create-customized-product",
    name: "Shopify - Create Customized Product",
    version: "1.0.0",
    integrations: {
    trigger: shopify.on("customers/create"),
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    const firstName = payload.first_name;
    // Create a customized product
    const product = await"teapot", {
    fromData: {
    title: `${firstName}'s Teapot`,
    return {
    message: `Hi, ${firstName}! Bet you'll love this: ${product.title}`,

    This is the first integration to use our updated Webhook Triggers which come with a new UI. The dashboard can be found under Triggers -> Webhook Triggers. You can now see both webhook registrations and deliveries!


    See more details in the Shopify integration docs.

  • Key-Value Store

    The Key-Value Store enables you to store and retrieve small chunks of serializable data in and outside of your Jobs.

    Use the object to access namespaced stores inside of your Run functions. Or use to access the environment store anywhere in your app!

    Sharing data across Runs with

    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    // this will only be undefined on the first run
    const counter = await<number>("job-get", "counter")
    const currentCount = counter ?? 0
    const incrementedCounter = currentCount++
    // Job-scoped set
    await"job-set", "counter", incrementedCounter);

    Sharing data across Jobs with

    id: "job-1",
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    // store data in one job
    await"cacheKey", "cross-run-shared-key", { foo: "bar" });
    id: "job-2",
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    // access from a different job
    const value = await<{ foo: string }>("cacheKey", "cross-run-shared-key");
    // or anywhere else in your app
    await<{ foo: string }>("cross-run-shared-key");

    Full docs for and

  • Using our new HTTP endpoints feature you can now create triggers for your jobs for any API that supports webhooks.

    We've been busy adding lots of new HTTP endpoint code examples for you to use in your projects.

    HTTP endpoint code examples added in November

    We will continue adding to this list over time. Keep an eye out for new examples in our API section. You can also contribute your own examples to our API reference repo.

  • Resend v2.0.0 support

    Our package has been updated to work with the latest resend-node 2.0.0 version, which brings with it a number of fixes and some additional tasks.

    See our Resend integration docs for more.

    How to update

    The* packages are now at v2.2.7. You can update using the following command:

    npx update

  • Run Notifications

    Before today, it was a very clunky experience trying to build workflows that responded to your job runs completing or failing. But now, you can easily subscribe to run notifications and perform additional work.

    There are two ways of subscribing to run notifications:

    Across all jobs

    You can use the TriggerClient.on instance method to subscribe to all job runs notifications. This is useful if you want to perform some work after any job run completes or fails:

    export const client = new TriggerClient({
    id: "my-project",
    apiKey: process.env.TRIGGER_API_KEY,
    client.on("runSucceeeded", async (notification) => {
    console.log(`Run on job ${} succeeded`);
    client.on("runFailed", async (notification) => {
    console.log(`Run on job ${} failed`);

    On a specific job

    You can also pass onSuccess or onFailure when defining a job to subscribe to notifications for that specific job:

    id: "github-integration-on-issue",
    name: "GitHub Integration - On Issue",
    version: "0.1.0",
    trigger: github.triggers.repo({
    event: events.onIssue,
    owner: "triggerdotdev",
    repo: "empty",
    onSuccess: async (notification) => {
    console.log("Job succeeded", notification);
    onFailure: async (notification) => {
    console.log("Job failed", notification);
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    // ...

    Run notifications

    All run notifications contain the following info:

    • The run's ID
    • The run's status
    • The run's duration
    • The run's start time
    • The run's payload
    • The run's explicit statuses (if any)
    • Whether or not the run was a test run
    • Which job the run belongs to
    • Which environment the run belongs to
    • Which project the run belongs to
    • Which organization the run belongs to
    • The external account associated with the run (if any)

    Successful run notifications also contain the output of the run. Failed run notifications contain the error and the task that failed.

    You can see the full run notification schema here

    How does it work?

    Run notifications work by making a separate HTTP request to your endpoint URL after a run completes or fails, which means that you get a fresh serverless function execution to perform additional work.

    We only send these notifications if you've subscribed to them, so ff you want to stop receiving them, just remove the code that subscribes to them, and we'll stop sending them.

    How to update

    The Cloud is now running v2.2.10. If you are self-hosting you can upgrade by pinning to the v2.2.10 tag.

    The* packages are now at v2.2.7. You can update using the following command:

    npx update

  • New API section

    We've added a new APIs section to the site. Here you can browse APIs by category and view working code samples of how to use each API with (40+ APIs and counting!).

    We've included job examples for all of our integrations, as well as code samples showing how to connect to many APIs using their official Node SDKs or fetch.

    For example, our OpenAI API page includes multiple working code samples as well as full-stack projects, all using our OpenAI integration:

    OpenAI API page

    All the code is regularly maintained and updated by our team and the amazing open source community, and can be copied and pasted to use in your own projects.

  • Task Library & more tasks

    Task Library

    We now have a dedicated docs page called Task Library where you can easily find and learn about built-in tasks to use in your jobs, like waitForEvent() or backgroundFetch():


    New Tasks

    We also have a few new tasks that we've added to the library:



    This task is similar to backgroundFetch, but instead of waiting for a single request to complete, it will poll a URL until it returns a certain value:

    const result = await io.backgroundPoll<{ foo: string }>("🔃", {
    url: "",
    interval: 10, // every 10 seconds
    timeout: 300, // stop polling after 5 minutes
    responseFilter: {
    // stop polling once this filter matches
    status: [200],
    body: {
    status: ["SUCCESS"],

    We even display each poll request in the run dashboard:


    See our reference docs to learn more.



    io.sendEvents() allows you to send multiple events at a time:

    await io.sendEvents("send-events", [
    name: "new.user",
    payload: {
    userId: "u_12345",
    name: "new.user",
    payload: {
    userId: "u_67890",

    See our reference docs to learn more.


    io.random() is identical to Math.random() when called without options but ensures your random numbers are not regenerated on resume or retry. It will return a pseudo-random floating-point number between optional min (default: 0, inclusive) and max (default: 1, exclusive). Can optionally round to the nearest integer.

    How to update

    The* packages are now at v2.2.6. You can update using the following command:

    npx update

  • Wait for Request

    When we released our Replicate integration last month, we added support for tasks that could be completed via a one-time webhook request to support Replicate Prediction webhooks. Replicate webhooks work by providing a URL for a "callback" request when creating a prediction:

    await replicate.predictions.create({
    version: "d55b9f2d...",
    input: { prompt: "call me later maybe" },
    webhook: "",
    webhook_events_filter: ["completed"], // optional

    This allowed us to create an integration task that uses these webhooks to provide a seemless experience when creating a prediction:

    const prediction = await io.replicate.predictions.createAndAwait(
    version: "d55b9f2d...",
    input: {
    prompt: "call me later maybe",

    We've now nicely exposed the same functionality so anyone can take advantage of similar APIs with our new io.waitForRequest() built-in task. This task allows you to create a task that will wait for a request to be made to a specific URL, and then return the request body as the task result. This is useful for any API that requires a webhook to be set up, or for any API that requires a callback URL to be provided.

    For example, you could use it to interface with to take a screenshot of a website and resume execution once the screenshot is ready:

    const result = await io.waitForRequest(
    async (url) => {
    await fetch(``, {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    body: JSON.stringify({
    access_key: process.env.SCREENSHOT_ONE_API_KEY,
    url: "",
    store: "true",
    storage_path: "my-screeshots",
    response_type: "json",
    async: "true",
    webhook_url: url, // this is the URL that will be called when the screenshot is ready
    storage_return_location: "true",
    timeoutInSeconds: 300, // wait up to 5 minutes for the screenshot to be ready

    How to update

    The* packages are now at v2.2.6. You can update using the following command:

    npx update

  • Wait for Event

    Up until now, you could only trigger a new job run when sending an event to using eventTrigger():

    id: "payment-accepted",
    name: "Payment Accepted",
    version: "1.0.0",
    trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "payment.accepted",
    schema: z.object({
    id: z.string(),
    amount: z.number(),
    currency: z.string(),
    userId: z.string(),
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    // Do something when a payment is accepted

    Now with io.waitForEvent(), you can wait for an event to be sent in the middle of a job run:

    const event = await io.waitForEvent("🤑", {
    name: "payment.accepted",
    schema: z.object({
    id: z.string(),
    amount: z.number(),
    currency: z.string(),
    userId: z.string(),
    filter: {
    userId: ["user_1234"], // only wait for events from this specific user

    By default, io.waitForEvent() will wait for 1 hour for an event to be sent. If no event is sent within that time, it will throw an error. You can customize the timeout by passing a second argument:

    const event = await io.waitForEvent(
    name: "payment.accepted",
    schema: z.object({
    id: z.string(),
    amount: z.number(),
    currency: z.string(),
    userId: z.string(),
    filter: {
    userId: ["user_1234"], // only wait for events from this specific user
    timeoutInSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, // wait for 1 week

    This will allow you to build more complex workflows that simply were not possible before, or were at least a pain to implement. We're excited to see what you build with this new feature!

    Read more about it in the docs.

    How to update

    The* packages are now at v2.2.6. You can update using the following command:

    npx update

  • We've added a Cloudflare worker proxy and SQS queue to improve the performance and reliability of our API. It's not just for our Cloud product, you can optionally use it if you're self-hosting as all the code is in our open source repository.

    To begin with we're using this when events are sent to us. That happens when you use client.sendEvent and client.sendEvents. More API routes will be supported in the future.

    How does it work?

    Requests to the API are proxied through a Cloudflare worker. That worker intercepts certain API routes and sends the data to an SQS queue. The main API server then polls the queue for new data and processes it.

    Why is this better?

    If there is any downtime on the main API servers, we won't lose events. The Cloudflare worker will queue them up and the main API server will process them when it's back online.

    Also, it allows us to deal with more load than before. The Cloudflare worker can handle a lot of requests and the main API server can process them at its own pace.

    Event processing can be scaled horizontally with more workers that poll the queue.

    How to update

    The Cloud is now running v2.2.9. If you are self-hosting you can upgrade by pinning to the v2.2.9 tag.

  • OpenAI Assistants & more

    After OpenAI DevDay last week we got busy working on our integration and we're happy to announce that we now support GPT-4 Turbo, the new Assistants API, Dalle-3, and more, as well as some additional enhancements.

    GPT-4 Turbo

    GPT-4 Turbo is the newest model from OpenAI that includes up to 128K context and lower prices, and is supported by our integration by specifying the gpt-4-1106-preview model:

    await"debater-completion", {
    model: "gpt-4-1106-preview",
    messages: [
    role: "user",
    'I want you to act as a debater. I will provide you with some topics related to current events and your task is to research both sides of the debates, present valid arguments for each side, refute opposing points of view, and draw persuasive conclusions based on evidence. Your goal is to help people come away from the discussion with increased knowledge and insight into the topic at hand. My first request is "I want an opinion piece about Deno."',

    Although we recommend the backgroundCreate variant as even though it's called Turbo, during preview it can take awhile to complete:

    // This will run in the background, so you don't have to worry about serverless function timeouts
    await"debater-completion", {
    model: "gpt-4-1106-preview",
    messages: [
    role: "user",
    'I want you to act as a debater. I will provide you with some topics related to current events and your task is to research both sides of the debates, present valid arguments for each side, refute opposing points of view, and draw persuasive conclusions based on evidence. Your goal is to help people come away from the discussion with increased knowledge and insight into the topic at hand. My first request is "I want an opinion piece about Deno."',

    We've also improved completion tasks and added additional properties that make it easier to see your rate limits and how many tokens you have left:


    Additionally, if an OpenAI request fails because of a rate limit error, we will automatically retry the request only after the rate limit has been reset.


    Also released on DevDay was the new Assistants API, which we now have support for:

    // Create a file and wait for it to be processed
    const file = await io.openai.files.createAndWaitForProcessing("upload-file", {
    purpose: "assistants",
    file: fs.createReadStream("./fixtures/mydata.csv"),
    // Create the assistant
    const assistant = await io.openai.beta.assistants.create("create-assistant", {
    name: "Data visualizer",
    "You are great at creating beautiful data visualizations. You analyze data present in .csv files, understand trends, and come up with data visualizations relevant to those trends. You also share a brief text summary of the trends observed.",
    model: payload.model,
    tools: [{ type: "code_interpreter" }],
    file_ids: [],
    // Sometime later, you can now use the assistant by the assistant id:
    const run = await io.openai.beta.threads.createAndRunUntilCompletion(
    thread: {
    messages: [
    role: "user",
    "Create 3 data visualizations based on the trends in this file.",
    file_ids: [payload.fileId],
    if (run.status !== "completed") {
    throw new Error(
    `Run finished with status ${run.status}: ${JSON.stringify(run.last_error)}`
    const messages = await io.openai.beta.threads.messages.list(

    For more about how to use Assistants, check out our new OpenAI docs.


    We've added support for creating images in the background, similar to how our background completion works:

    const response = await io.openai.images.backgroundCreate("dalle-3-background", {
    model: "dall-e-3",
    "Create a comic strip featuring miles morales and spiderpunk fighting off the sinister six",


    You can now wait for a file to be processed before continuing:

    const file = await io.openai.files.create("upload-file", {
    purpose: "assistants",
    file: fs.createReadStream("./fixtures/mydata.csv"),
    await io.openai.files.waitForProcessing("wait-for-file",;

    Or you can combine that into a single call:

    const file = await io.openai.files.createAndWaitForProcessing("upload-file", {
    purpose: "assistants",
    file: fs.createReadStream("./fixtures/mydata.csv"),

    New Docs

    We've completely rewritten our OpenAI docs to make it easier to understand how to use our integration. Check them out at here.

    How to update

    The* packages are now at v2.2.6. You can update using the following command:

    npx update

  • Often you want to trigger your Jobs from events that happen in other APIs. This is where webhooks come in.

    Now you can easily subscribe to any APIs that support webhooks, without needing to use a Integration. This should unlock you to create far more Jobs than was previously possible.

    How to create an HTTP endpoint

    We want to send a Slack message when one of our meetings is cancelled. To do this we need to create an HTTP endpoint that can send a webhook to.

    //create an HTTP endpoint
    const caldotcom = client.defineHttpEndpoint({
    id: "",
    source: "",
    icon: "caldotcom",
    verify: async (request) => {
    //this helper function makes verifying most webhooks easy
    return await verifyRequestSignature({
    headerName: "X-Cal-Signature-256",
    secret: process.env.CALDOTCOM_SECRET!,
    algorithm: "sha256",

    Getting the URL and secret from the dashboard

    There's a new section in the sidebar: "HTTP endpoints".

    HTTP endpoints

    From there you can select the HTTP endpoint you just created and get the URL and secret. In this case, it's

    HTTP endpoint details

    Each environment has a different Webhook URL so you can control which environment you want to trigger Jobs for.

    Setting up the webhook in

    In you can navigate to "Settings/Webhooks/New" to create a new webhook. webhook

    Enter the URL and secret from the dashboard and select the events you want to trigger Jobs for.

    We could only select "Booking cancelled" but we're going to select all the events so we can reuse this webhook for more than just a single trigger.

    Using HTTP endpoints to create Triggers

    Then we can use that HTTP endpoint to create multiple Triggers for your Jobs. They can have different filters, using the data from the webhook.

    id: "http-caldotcom",
    name: "HTTP",
    version: "1.0.0",
    enabled: true,
    //create a Trigger from the HTTP endpoint above. The filter is optional.
    trigger: caldotcom.onRequest({
    filter: { body: { triggerEvent: ["BOOKING_CANCELLED"] } },
    run: async (request, io, ctx) => {
    //note that when using HTTP endpoints, the first parameter is the request
    //you need to get the body, usually it will be json so you do:
    const body = await request.json();
    //this prints out "Matt Aitken cancelled their meeting"
    .map((a) =>
    .join(", ")} cancelled their meeting ${new Date(

    See our HTTP endpoint docs for more info. Upgrade to the latest version of the SDK to start using this feature.

    How to update

    The Cloud is now running v2.2.4. If you are self-hosting you can upgrade by pinning to the v2.2.4 tag.

    The* packages are now at v2.2.5. You can update using the following command:

    npx update

  • Invoke Trigger

    Up until now, only supported the following 3 types of triggers: Events, Webhooks, and Scheduled (e.g. cron/interval).

    But sometimes it makes sense to be able to invoke a Job manually, without having to specify an event, especially for cases where you want to get notified when the invoked Job Run is complete.

    To specify that a job is manually invokable, you can use the invokeTrigger() function when defining a job:

    import { invokeTrigger } from "";
    import { client } from "@/trigger";
    export const exampleJob = client.defineJob({
    id: "example-job",
    name: "Example job",
    version: "1.0.1",
    trigger: invokeTrigger({
    schema: z.object({
    foo: z.string(),
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    // do something with the payload

    And then you can invoke the job using the Job.invoke() method:

    import { exampleJob } from "./exampleJob";
    const jobRun = await exampleJob.invoke(
    { foo: "bar" },
    { callbackUrl: `${process.env.VERCEL_URL}/api/callback` }

    Which is great but things become really cool when you invoke a job from another job and wait for the invoked job to complete:

    import { exampleJob } from "./exampleJob";
    id: "example-job2",
    name: "Example job 2",
    version: "1.0.1",
    trigger: intervalTrigger({
    seconds: 60,
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    const runResult = await exampleJob.invokeAndWaitForCompletion("⚡", {
    foo: "123",

    You can also batch up to 25 invocations at once, and we will run them in parallel and wait for all of them to complete before continuing execution of the current job.

    import { exampleJob } from "./exampleJob";
    id: "example-job2",
    name: "Example job 2",
    version: "1.0.1",
    trigger: intervalTrigger({
    seconds: 60,
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    const runs = await exampleJob.batchInvokeAndWaitForCompletion("⚡", [
    payload: {
    userId: "123",
    tier: "free",
    payload: {
    userId: "abc",
    tier: "paid",
    // runs is an array of RunNotification objects

    See our Invoke Trigger docs for more info. Upgrade to the latest version of the SDK to start using this feature.

    How to update

    The Cloud is now running v2.2.4. If you are self-hosting you can upgrade by pinning to the v2.2.4 tag.

    The* packages are now at v2.2.5. You can update using the following command:

    npx update

  • New navigation has a new side menu to make navigating the app much easier. Here's a quick overview:

    New side menu

    More of the app is now accessible from the new side menu. Project related pages are grouped together at the top, followed by organization pages.

    Organization and Projects

    Organization and Projects menu

    Switching Organizations and Projects is now much easier.

    Organization menu

    Your profile page

    You can now access your profile from the avatar icon. View profile

    All the most helpful links are now in one place. You can access the documentation, changelog, and support from the bottom of the menu. View profile

    How to update

    The Cloud is now running v2.2.4. If you are self-hosting you can upgrade by pinning to the v2.2.4 tag.

  • Next.js 14 support

    Next.js 14 was just announced on stage at Next.js Conf and we're happy to announce that we've just released support for it in our[email protected] release.

    You can now create a new Next.js 14 app with as easy as:

    npx create-next-app@latest
    npx init

    Our init command will automatically detect that you're using Next.js 14 and auto-configure your project, whether it uses Pages or the new App directory.

    Check out our Next.js Quickstart for more on how to get started with Next.js and

  • Auto-yielding executions

    We've just released server v2.2.4 and* packages @ 2.2.2, which includes a new feature called Auto Yielding Executions that will drastically cut down on serverless function timeouts and provides stronger guarantees around duplicate task executions.

    The TLDR is that our will now automatically yield Job Run executions that are about to timeout, and resume them in another function execution. Previously when executing a Job Run we'd keep executing until the serverless function timed out, and resume executing only after the timeout was received.

    The issue is that we didn't have good control over when the timeout would occur, and it could occur at any time during the execution. This could result in some tasks getting executed multiple times, which is not ideal. It would also mean unwanted timeout logs, which could cause issues with any downstream alert systems. This is what happened when upgrading one of our projects to the new[email protected]:


    If you want to learn more about how this works, read the full Auto Yielding Executions discussion.

  • OpenAI Universal SDK

    We've made a small tweak to our OpenAI integration that allows it to be used with any OpenAI compatible API, such as

    import { OpenAI } from "";
    const perplexity = new OpenAI({
    id: "perplexity",
    apiKey: process.env["PERPLEXITY_API_KEY"]!,
    baseURL: "", // specify the base URL for
    icon: "brand-open-source", // change the task icon to a generic open source logo

    Since is compatible with OpenAI, you can use the same tasks as with OpenAI but using Open Source models, like minstral-7b-instruct:

    id: "perplexity-tasks",
    name: "Perplexity Tasks",
    version: "0.0.1",
    trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "perplexity.tasks",
    integrations: {
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    await"chat-completion", {
    model: "mistral-7b-instruct",
    messages: [
    role: "user",
    content: "Create a good programming joke about background jobs",
    // Run this in the background
    model: "mistral-7b-instruct",
    messages: [
    role: "user",
    "If you were a programming language, what would you be and why?",

    And you'll get the same experience in the Run Dashboard when viewing the logs: logs

    We also support the Azure OpenAI Service through the defaultHeaders and defaultQuery options:

    import { OpenAI } from "";
    const azureOpenAI = new OpenAI({
    id: "azure-openai",
    apiKey: process.env["AZURE_API_KEY"]!,
    icon: "brand-azure",
    defaultQuery: { "api-version": "2023-06-01-preview" },
    defaultHeaders: { "api-key": process.env["AZURE_API_KEY"] },

  • Server v2.2.4

    These additional changes made it into the server in v2.2.4:

    await io.runTask(
    async () => {
    // do something cubey here
    { icon: "3d-cube-sphere" }

    • [6d3b761c][@hmacr] Fixed run list pagination
    • [5ea6a49d] Made the app work very basically on mobile devices
    • [627c767c] Fixed an issue where webhook triggers would erronously attempt to re-register whenever jobs were indexed.[email protected]

    • [6769d6b4]: Detects JSRuntime (Node/Deno at the moment). Adds basic Deno support
    • [9df93d07]: Improve create-integration output. Use templates and shared configs.
    • [50e31924]: add ability to use custom tunnel in dev command
    • [0adf41c7]: Added Next.js maxDuration commented out to the api/trigger file using CLI init

    How to update

    The Cloud is now running v2.2.4. If you are self-hosting you can upgrade by pinning to the v2.2.4 tag.

    The* packages are now at v2.2.2. You can update using the following command:

    npx update

  • For your Jobs to work they need to be registered with the server (cloud or self-hosted). When they're registered we can trigger runs.

    We've just fixed a major problem: we now show errors in your Job definitions so you can fix them. Before you had no idea why they weren't appearing or being updated in the dashboard.

    In the console

    When you run npx dev you'll now see any errors with your Job definitions.

    In this case, we've set an interval of less than 60 seconds on our intervalTrigger, and we've left the name off a Job:

    The console now shows errors

    In the dashboard

    These errors are also shown on the "Environments" page of the dashboard. You can manually refresh from this page as well, which is useful for Staging/Production if you haven't setup automatic refreshing.

    The dashboard now shows errors

    Other changes


    • Added a filter for active jobs in the dashboard (PR #601 by hmacr)
    • Replaced React Hot Toast with Sonner toasts (Issue #555 by arjunindiai)
    • Upgraded packages to use Node 18 and fetch instead of node-fetch (PR #581 by Rutam21)
    • Added contributors section to (PR #594 by mohitd404)
    • Added SvelteKit adaptor (PR #467 by Chigala)


    • intervalTriggers of >10 mins didn't ever start in Staging/Prod (Issue #611)
    • Improved the robustness and error reporting for login with magic link

    How to update

    The Cloud is now running v2.2.0. If you are self-hosting you can upgrade by pinning to the v2.2.0 tag.

    The* packages are now at v2.2.0. You can update using the following command:

    npx update

  • New Test page

    Examples and recent payloads

    You can easily select from our example payloads and the most recent 5 payloads that triggered this Job. We also automatically populate the editor with an example or the most recent payload.

    JSON linting

    As you're editing the JSON it's linted which means you get useful errors pointing you at where there are problems.

    Submit using your keyboard

    You can press ⌘↵ on Mac, CTRL+Enter on Windows to quickly submit the test.

    Test editor video tour (1m 37s)

  • Highlights

    We've added a new integration for Replicate, which lets you run machine learning models with a few lines of code. Powered by a new feature of the platform we call "Task Callbacks", which allows tasks to be "completed" via a webhook or failed via a timeout. You can use these using io.runTask:

    await io.runTask(
    async (task) => {
    // task.callbackUrl is the URL to call when the task is done
    // The output of this task will be the body POSTed to this URL
    name: "Use the callbackUrl to notify the caller when the task is done",
    callback: {
    enabled: true,
    timeoutInSeconds: 300, // If task.callbackUrl is not called within 300 seconds, the task will fail


    We've done a lot of performance work this release, especially for job runs with a large amount of tasks and logs. Long story short we now do a much better job with using cached task outputs when resuming runs. For a deep dive check out this pull request

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with the Linear getAll types #81e886a1
    • Updated the adapter packages (Remix, Next, Astro, and Express) to return response headers.


    Thanks to @nicktrn for the Linear fix!

    How to update

    The Cloud is now running 2.1.10. If you are self-hosting you can upgrade by pinning to the v2.1.10 tag.

    To upgrade your* packages, you can issue the following command:

    npx update

  • Replicate Integration

    Replicate lets you run machine learning models with a few lines of code, without needing to understand how machine learning works. And now you can easily use the Replicate API in your own applications using and our new Replicate integration:

    id: "replicate-cinematic-prompt",
    name: "Replicate - Cinematic Prompt",
    version: "0.1.0",
    integrations: { replicate },
    trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "replicate.cinematic",
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    const prediction = await io.replicate.predictions.createAndAwait(
    input: {
    prompt: `rick astley riding a harley through post-apocalyptic miami, cinematic, 70mm, anamorphic, bokeh`,
    width: 1280,
    height: 720,
    return prediction.output;

    We make use of replicate webhooks and a new feature of called "Task Callbacks" to ensure long-running predictions don't result in function timeout errors.

    See more details in the Replicate integration docs.

    Thanks to @nicktrn for the awesome work on this integration 🚀

  • Hacktoberfest 2023

    It's October! Which can only mean one thing... Hacktoberfest is back! 🎉 This year we've lined up some great swag, and plenty of GitHub issues to contribute to.

    Here's how to get involved:

    • We've created GitHub issues tagged: 🎃 hacktoberfest
    • Each issue is also tagged with points: 💎 100 points
    • For every PR you get merged, you collect points
    • Collect as many points before October 31st 2023
    • Then spend your points in our shop 🎁

    Get involved

  • Staging environment

    We've added support for an additional environment between DEV and PROD called STAGING. This environment is useful for testing your Jobs in a production-like environment before deploying to production.

    All existing projects will automatically have a STAGING environment created for them. The API Key for this environment will start with tr_stg_.

    We will be adding support for ephemeral PREVIEW environments for popular platforms like Vercel in the future, so stay tuned!

  • You can now redact data from Task outputs, so it won't be visible in the dashboard. This is useful for sensitive data like Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

    To use, add the redact option to runTask like so:

    const result = await io.runTask(
    async () => {
    return {
    id: "evt_3NYWgVI0XSgju2ur0PN22Hsu",
    object: "event",
    api_version: "2022-11-15",
    created: 1690473903,
    data: {
    object: {
    id: "ch_3NYWgVI0XSgju2ur0C2UzeKC",
    redact: {
    paths: [""],

    View docs

  • We've had a lot of requests for using with other frameworks other than Next.js, so today we're announcing three new ones:

    • Next.js
    • Remix
    • Astro
    • Express

    With many more coming very soon:

    • SvelteKit
    • RedwoodJS
    • Nuxt.js
    • Nest.js
    • Fastify
  • React Status Hooks

    You can now create statuses in your Job code that lets you do some pretty cool stuff in your UI, like:

    • Show exactly what you want in your UI (with as many statuses as you want).
    • Pass arbitrary data to your UI, which you can use to render elements.
    • Update existing elements in your UI as the progress of the run continues.

    Here's some example code showing for a Job that generates memes. We've created a single status generatingMemes (you can create as many as you like) and then we've updated it (you can update it as often as you like). It gives you fine-grained control over how you report progress and output data from your Job.

    id: "meme-generator",
    name: "Generate memes",
    version: "0.1.1",
    trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "generate-memes",
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    const generatingMemes = await io.createStatus("generating-memes", {
    label: "Generating memes",
    state: "loading",
    data: {
    progress: 0.1,
    // stuff, like generate memes
    await generatingMemes.update("middle-generation", {
    state: "success",
    data: {
    progress: 1,
    urls: [

    Check out React Status Hooks in the docs.

  • Bring-Your-Own-Auth

    You can now authenticate as your users!

    Before, you could only use our Integrations with API Keys or OAuth authentication as yourself, the developer. Now, you can authenticate using the auth credentials of your users.

    Auth Resolver allows you to implement your own custom auth resolving using a third-party service like Clerk or Nango.


  • Showcase

    We've created a beautiful showcase for Jobs (and projects) that you can build using They have code you can copy and paste to get started quickly.

    View the showcase

  • Usage Dashboard

    Welcome to our new Usage Dashboard! You can now keep track of your Jobs on the 'Usage & Billing' page of the app. Here's a list of all the data you can now see at a glance:

    • The number of Job Runs each month
    • The total number of Runs this month
    • The total number of Jobs
    • The total number of Integrations
    • The number of team members in your Organization


    Login to your account and click 'Usage & Billing' in the side menu of a Project page to see your Usage Dashboard.

  • Linear Integration

    Streamline your project and issue tracking with our new Linear Integration.

  • We've improved our Integrations to support generic interfaces and better ergonomics.

    Previously, integrations could not support tasks with generic type parameters or fluent interfaces. For example, previously our OpenAI integration looked like this:

    await io.openai.createChatCompletion("chat-completion", {
    model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    messages: [
    role: "user",
    content: "Create a good programming joke about background jobs",

    Which is now replaced with the following that much more closely matches the OpenAI SDK:

    await"chat-completion", {
    model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    messages: [
    role: "user",
    content: "Create a good programming joke about background jobs",

    Tasks can also now have generic type parameters as well, which is useful for integrations like Supabase or Airtable that have user-defined schemas:

    const table = io.airtable
    const records = await table.getRecords("muliple records", {
    fields: ["Status"],

  • Interact with your Airtable bases with our new Airtable Integration.

  • Improved Documentation

    We've improved our documentation for:

  • New testing package

    We've added a new package.

  • We've fixed the Zod errors that were occuring because of excessively deep Type instantiation when using eventTrigger and Zod 3.22.2.

  • Thanks to Liran Tal, we now have a native package to use with Astro.

    To update your existing projects to the latest version of the SDK, run the following command:

    npx update

    If you are self-hosting the service, you'll need to update to the latest image:

    docker pull triggerdotdev/
    # or
    docker pull triggerdotdev/

    If you are using the Cloud, you'll automatically get the latest version of the service.

    • a907e2a: chore: updated the type in the eventId argument (thx @Chigala ✨)
  • Our CLI has been updated with some fixes and improvements:

    • 3ce5397: Added the send-event command
    • 3897e6e: Make it more clear which API key the init command expects
    • dd10717: Added --hostname option to the cli dev command
    • 8cf8544: Bugfix: init now correctly identifies the App Dir when using JS (thx @Chigala ✨)
    • 4e78da3: fix: Add an update sub-command the that updates all* packages (thx @hugomn ✨)
    • 135cb49: fixed the cli init log message to show the correct path to the app route created (thx @Chigala ✨)
  • We've updated our OpenAI package to use the new and improved v4 of the OpenAI SDK.

    All of our existing tasks should work as before, but now when you use the .native property you'll get back and nice and shiny v4 SDK:

    import { OpenAI } from "";
    const openai = new OpenAI({
    id: "openai",
    apiKey: process.env["OPENAI_API_KEY"]!,
    // Before: v3 SDK
    // Now: v4 SDK

    We've also added some new tasks for enabling fine tuning jobs:

    • createFineTuningJob - Create a fine-tuning job for a fine-tuning model
    • retrieveFineTuningJob - Retrieve a fine-tuning job for a fine-tuning model
    • listFineTuningJobs - List fine-tuning jobs for a fine-tuning model
    • cancelFineTuningJob - Cancel a fine-tuning job for a fine-tuning model
    • listFineTuningJobEvents - List fine-tuning job events for a fine-tuning model
  • Cancel delayed events

    When sending events, you can delay the delivery by setting either the deliverAt or deliverAfter option:

    await client.sendEvent(
    id: "event-1",
    name: "example.event",
    payload: { hello: "world" },
    deliverAfter: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, // 1 day

    You can now easily cancel delayed events to prevent subsequent job runs with the new cancelEvent method:

    await client.cancelEvent("event-1");

    This functionality requires[email protected] or later.

  • You can now disable jobs in your code by setting the enabled option to false:

    id: "example-job",
    name: "Example Job",
    version: "0.1.0",
    trigger: eventTrigger({ name: "example.event" }),
    enabled: false,
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    // your job code here

    Which will show the job as disabled in the dashboard:

    disabled job

    Once you've disabled your job, you can delete it from the dashboard:

    delete job

    For more detailed information, checkout our documentation on managing Jobs.

  • We had an issue where runs that included tasks that had large task outputs could not be resumed after a delay. This was because we send completed task outputs in the request body when we resume a run, and some platforms have a limit on the size of the request body. We now cap the size of the task outputs we send in the request body to 3.5MB.

  • Increased performance

    We've redesigned the way we queue and execute job runs in order to increase the speed of job execution.

    • Fixed the cached task miss issue in the which should speed up resumed runs by A LOT
    • Allow setting graphile worker concurrency settings through env vars WORKER_CONCURRENCY and EXECUTION_WORKER_CONCURRENCY
    • Allow settings prisma pool settings through env vars DATABASE_CONNECTION_LIMIT and DATABASE_POOL_TIMEOUT
    • You can now selectively enable/disable the workers through WORKER_ENABLED=false and EXECUTION_WORKER_ENABLED=false. This means the image can be deployed as 2 or 3 separate services:
      • A WebApp service that serves the API and the Dashboard
      • A Worker service that runs tasks that have been added the standard worker
      • An Execution Worker service that only runs "run execution" tasks
    • Deprecated the JobOptions.queue options as we are no longer using that to control job concurrency. We'll add proper queue support in the future.
  • v2.0.0

    We've dropped the beta label on our v2.0.0 release of the service, and moving forward we'll be updating the version number like good semantic version citizens.

    Blog post