Changelog #68


Task delays and TTLs

Eric Allam

Eric Allam


Image for Task delays and TTLs

You can now pass two additional options when triggering a task: delay and ttl.


When you want to delay the start of a task, you can now pass a delay option when triggering or batch triggering a task. The delay option accepts a number of different formats:

// Delay the task run by 1 hour
await myTask.trigger({ some: "data" }, { delay: "1h" });
// Delay the task run by 88 seconds
await myTask.trigger({ some: "data" }, { delay: "88s" });
// Delay the task run by 1 hour and 52 minutes and 18 seconds
await myTask.trigger({ some: "data" }, { delay: "1h52m18s" });
// Delay until a specific time
await myTask.trigger({ some: "data" }, { delay: "2024-12-01T00:00:00" });
// Delay using a Date object
await myTask.trigger(
{ some: "data" },
{ delay: new Date( + 1000 * 60 * 60) }

You can also pass a delay option when batch triggering tasks:

await myTask.batchTrigger([
{ payload: { some: "data" }, options: { delay: "1h" } },
{ payload: { some: "data" }, options: { delay: "2h" } },
{ payload: { some: "data" }, options: { delay: "15m" } },

You can also reschedule a task that has a delay set by calling runs.reschedule:

import { runs } from "";
// The delay option here takes the same format as the trigger delay option, and will be re-calculated from the current time
await runs.reschedule("run_1234", { delay: "1h" });


You can set a TTL (time to live) when triggering a task, which will automatically expire the run if it hasn't started within the specified time. This is useful for ensuring that a run doesn't get stuck in the queue for too long, or for time-sensitive tasks.


With this release, we're now setting a default TTL on development runs to 10m. This will prevent the issue where running the dev CLI command after not using it for awhile would result in an avalanche of built-up runs.

import { myTask } from "./trigger/myTasks";
// Expire the run if it hasn't started within 1 hour
await myTask.trigger({ some: "data" }, { ttl: "1h" });
// If you specify a number, it will be treated as seconds
await myTask.trigger({ some: "data" }, { ttl: 3600 }); // 1 hour

Delayed runs with TTL

When you use both delay and ttl, the TTL will start counting down from the time the run is enqueued, not from the time the run is triggered.

So for example, when using the following code:

await myTask.trigger({ some: "data" }, { delay: "10m", ttl: "1h" });

The timeline would look like this:

  1. The run is created at 12:00:00
  2. The run is enqueued at 12:10:00
  3. The TTL starts counting down from 12:10:00
  4. If the run hasn't started by 13:10:00, it will be expired

For this reason, the ttl option only accepts durations and not absolute timestamps.

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