Changelog #73


Run inspector improvements

The redesigned run page highlights the most important information, has more detail with tabs, and allows replaying with a different payload.

Matt Aitken

Matt Aitken


Image for Run inspector improvements

The run page inspector was a bit confusing before and lacked some critical information. We've added more information and brought the most critical data to the front by using tabs in the inspector, as well as making replaying and cancelling runs easier.

The new inspector

At the top of the new run inspector is the run status that matches what you see on the runs page. Below that we show a timeline with the events that have happened for that run (so far).

We've also pulled the payload, output and errors onto the "Overview" tab.

The new run inspector

The "Detail" tab has a full list of data relevant to the run (including tags and usage data).

The "Context" tab has the run context that you can access inside the run function (in the second param).

Replaying a run

We've added support for replaying a run from the dashboard with a different payload and environment.

The new run inspector

This works for runs where the payload was JSON or SuperJSON. When you trigger a run from the test page the payload type is JSON, when you use our SDK the payload type is SuperJSON. SuperJSON allows you to use JavaScript Date objects, Map, Set, and BigInt.

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