Changelog #60


Bulk replaying and canceling

Matt Aitken

Matt Aitken


Image for Bulk replaying and canceling

From the v3 runs page you can select up to 250 runs and then replay or cancel them all at once.

Use the checkboxes to select runs from multiple pages and then press "Replay" or "Cancel" to apply the bulk action. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts to make this faster:

  • Replay (r)
  • Cancel (c)
  • Cancel (esc)

Whenever you perform a "bulk action" we redirect you to the runs page with a filter applied so you can see the runs you just affected. That filter is saved so in the future you can open the Filters menu, select "Bulk action", then select the action you want to see. This is especially useful if your runs take a long time to complete.

You can always share a link to the runs page with any filters applied, your teammates will see exactly what you do.

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