Changelog #92


Python extension

Execute python scripts in your tasks with the new Python extension.

Eric Allam

Eric Allam


Image for Python extension

Thanks to the work of contributor Victor Duarte, you can now easily include and execute Python scripts in your tasks with the new package.


First, you'll need to install the package:

npm add

Then, you can use the pythonExtension build extension in your trigger.config.ts file:

import { defineConfig } from "";
import { pythonExtension } from "";
export default defineConfig({
project: "<project ref>",
build: {
extensions: [pythonExtension()],

This will take care of adding python to the build image and setting up the necessary environment variables to execute Python scripts. You can then use our python utilities in the package to execute Python scripts in your tasks. For example, running a Python script inline in a task:

import { task } from "";
import { python } from "";
export const myScript = task({
id: "my-python-script",
run: async () => {
const result = await python.runInline(`print("Hello, world!")`);
return result.stdout;

Adding python scripts

You can automatically add python scripts to your project using the scripts option in the pythonExtension function. This will copy the specified scripts to the build directory during the deploy process. For example:

import { defineConfig } from "";
import { pythonExtension } from "";
export default defineConfig({
project: "<project ref>",
build: {
extensions: [
scripts: ["./python/**/*.py"],

This will copy all Python files in the python directory to the build directory during the deploy process. You can then execute these scripts using the python.runScript function:

import { task } from "";
import { python } from "";
export const myScript = task({
id: "my-python-script",
run: async () => {
const result = await python.runScript("./python/", [
return result.stdout;

Using requirements files

If you have a requirements.txt file in your project, you can use the requirementsFile option in the pythonExtension function to install the required packages during the build process. For example:

import { defineConfig } from "";
import { pythonExtension } from "";
export default defineConfig({
project: "<project ref>",
build: {
extensions: [
requirementsFile: "./requirements.txt",

This will install the packages specified in the requirements.txt file during the build process. You can then use these packages in your Python scripts.

Virtual environments

If you are using a virtual environment in your project, you can use the devPythonBinaryPath option in the pythonExtension function to specify the path to the Python binary in the virtual environment. For example:

import { defineConfig } from "";
import { pythonExtension } from "";
export default defineConfig({
project: "<project ref>",
build: {
extensions: [
devPythonBinaryPath: ".venv/bin/python",

This has no effect in production mode, but in development mode, it will use the specified Python binary to execute Python scripts.

Streaming output

All of the python functions have a streaming version that allows you to stream the output of the Python script as it runs. For example:

import { task } from "";
import { python } from "";
export const myStreamingScript = task({
id: "my-streaming-python-script",
run: async () => {
// You don't need to await the result
const result ="./python/", [
// result is an async iterable/readable stream
for await (const chunk of streamingResult) {

Environment variables

We automatically inject the environment variables in the process.env object when running Python scripts. You can access these environment variables in your Python scripts using the os.environ dictionary. For example:

import os

You can also pass additional environment variables to the Python script using the env option in the python.runScript function. For example:

import { task } from "";
import { python } from "";
export const myScript = task({
id: "my-python-script",
run: async () => {
const result = await python.runScript(
["hello", "world"],
env: {
MY_ENV_VAR: "my value",
return result.stdout;


This package requires the package version 3.3.17 or higher. See the docs for more information, and please reach out to us on Discord if you have any questions or examples you'd like for us to build.

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