The syncEnvVars build extension will sync env vars from another service into before the deployment starts. This is useful if you are using a secret store service like Infisical or AWS Secrets Manager to store your secrets.

syncEnvVars takes an async callback function, and any env vars returned from the callback will be synced to

import { defineConfig } from "";
import { syncEnvVars } from "";

export default defineConfig({
  build: {
    extensions: [
      syncEnvVars(async (ctx) => {
        return [
          { name: "SECRET_KEY", value: "secret-value" },
          { name: "ANOTHER_SECRET", value: "another-secret-value" },

The callback is passed a context object with the following properties:

  • environment: The environment name that the task is being deployed to (e.g. production, staging, etc.)
  • projectRef: The project ref of the project
  • env: The environment variables that are currently set in the project

Example: Sync env vars from Infisical

In this example we’re using env vars from Infisical.

import { defineConfig } from "";
import { syncEnvVars } from "";
import { InfisicalSDK } from "@infisical/sdk";

export default defineConfig({
  build: {
    extensions: [
      syncEnvVars(async (ctx) => {
        const client = new InfisicalSDK();

        await client.auth().universalAuth.login({
          clientId: process.env.INFISICAL_CLIENT_ID!,
          clientSecret: process.env.INFISICAL_CLIENT_SECRET!,

        const { secrets } = await client.secrets().listSecrets({
          environment: ctx.environment,
          projectId: process.env.INFISICAL_PROJECT_ID!,

        return => ({
          name: secret.secretKey,
          value: secret.secretValue,


The syncVercelEnvVars build extension syncs environment variables from your Vercel project to

You need to set the VERCEL_ACCESS_TOKEN and VERCEL_PROJECT_ID environment variables, or pass in the token and project ID as arguments to the syncVercelEnvVars build extension. If you’re working with a team project, you’ll also need to set VERCEL_TEAM_ID, which can be found in your team settings. You can find / generate the VERCEL_ACCESS_TOKEN in your Vercel dashboard. Make sure the scope of the token covers the project with the environment variables you want to sync.

import { defineConfig } from "";
import { syncVercelEnvVars } from "";

export default defineConfig({
  project: "<project ref>",
  // Your other config settings...
  build: {
    // This will automatically use the VERCEL_ACCESS_TOKEN and VERCEL_PROJECT_ID environment variables
    extensions: [syncVercelEnvVars()],

Or you can pass in the token and project ID as arguments:

import { defineConfig } from "";
import { syncVercelEnvVars } from "";

export default defineConfig({
  project: "<project ref>",
  // Your other config settings...
  build: {
    extensions: [
        projectId: "your-vercel-project-id",
        vercelAccessToken: "your-vercel-access-token",
        vercelTeamId: "your-vercel-team-id", // optional