Replaying from the UI


Click the Replay button in the top right


Confirm replay settings

You can edit the payload

(if available) and choose the environment

to replay the run in.

Replaying using the SDK

You can replay a run using the SDK:

const replayedRun = await runs.replay(;

When you call trigger() or batchTrigger() on a task you receive back a run handle which has an id property. You can use that id to replay the run.

You can also access the run id from inside a run. You could write this to your database and then replay it later.

export const simpleChildTask = task({
  id: "simple-child-task",
  run: async (payload, { ctx }) => {
    // the run ID (and other useful info) is in ctx
    const runId =;

Bulk replaying

You can replay multiple runs at once by selecting them from the table on the Runs page using the checkbox on the left hand side of the row. Then click the “Replay runs” button from the bulk action bar that appears at the bottom of the screen.

This is especially useful if you have lots of failed runs and want to run them all again. To do this, first filter the runs by the status you want, then select all the runs you want to replay and click the “Replay runs” button from the bulk action bar at the bottom of the page.