You can add the ffmpeg build extension to your build process:

import { defineConfig } from "";
import { ffmpeg } from "";

export default defineConfig({
  project: "<project ref>",
  // Your other config settings...
  build: {
    extensions: [ffmpeg()],

By default, this will install the version of ffmpeg that is available in the Debian package manager. If you need a specific version, you can pass in the version as an argument:

import { defineConfig } from "";
import { ffmpeg } from "";

export default defineConfig({
  project: "<project ref>",
  // Your other config settings...
  build: {
    extensions: [ffmpeg({ version: "6.0-4" })],

This extension will also add the FFMPEG_PATH and FFPROBE_PATH to your environment variables, making it easy to use popular ffmpeg libraries like fluent-ffmpeg.

Note that fluent-ffmpeg needs to be added to external in your trigger.config.ts file.

Follow this example to get setup with and FFmpeg in your project.