This runs a server on your machine that can execute tasks:

It will first perform an update check to prevent version mismatches, failed deploys, and other errors. You will always be prompted first.

You will see in the terminal that the server is running and listening for requests. When you run a task, you will see it in the terminal along with a link to view it in the dashboard.

It is worth noting that each task runs in a separate Node process. This means that if you have a long-running task, it will not block other tasks from running.


Config file
--config | -c

The name of the config file, found at [path].

Project ref
--project-ref | -p

The project ref. Required if there is no config file.


You can use this flag to run the server in debug mode. This will allow you to attach a debugger to the server and debug your tasks.

Debug OpenTelemetry

Enable OpenTelemetry debugging.

Skip update check

Skip checking for package updates.

Login profile

The login profile to use. Defaults to default.

--api-url | -a

Override the API URL. Defaults to

Log level
--log-level | -l

The CLI log level to use. Options are debug, info, log, warn, error, and none. This does not affect the log level of your tasks. Defaults to log.

Skip telemetry

Opt-out of sending telemetry data.

Standard options

--help | -h

Shows the help information for the command.

Concurrently running the terminal

Install the concurrently package as a dev dependency:

concurrently --raw --kill-others npm:dev:remix npm:dev:trigger

Then add something like this in your package.json scripts:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "concurrently --raw --kill-others npm:dev:*",
  "dev:trigger": "npx dev",
  // Add your framework-specific dev script here, for example:
  // "dev:next": "next dev",
  // "dev:remix": "remix dev",