
This example demonstrates the orchestrator-workers pattern, where a central AI agent dynamically breaks down complex tasks and delegates them to specialized worker agents. This pattern is particularly effective when tasks require multiple perspectives or parallel processing streams, with the orchestrator synthesizing the results into a cohesive output.

Example task

Our example task uses multiple LLM calls to extract claims from a news article and analyze them in parallel, combining source verification and historical context to assess their credibility.

This task:

  • Uses generateText from Vercel’s AI SDK to interact with OpenAI models
  • Uses experimental_telemetry to provide LLM logs
  • Uses batch.triggerByTaskAndWait to orchestrate parallel processing of claims
  • Extracts factual claims from news articles using the o1-mini model
  • Evaluates claims against recent sources and analyzes historical context in parallel
  • Combines results into a structured analysis report
import { openai } from "@ai-sdk/openai";
import { batch, logger, task } from "@trigger.dev/sdk/v3";
import { CoreMessage, generateText } from "ai";

// Define types for our workers' outputs
interface Claim {
  id: number;
  text: string;

interface SourceVerification {
  claimId: number;
  isVerified: boolean;
  confidence: number;
  explanation: string;

interface HistoricalAnalysis {
  claimId: number;
  feasibility: number;
  historicalContext: string;

// Worker 1: Claim Extractor
export const extractClaims = task({
  id: "extract-claims",
  run: async ({ article }: { article: string }) => {
    try {
      const messages: CoreMessage[] = [
          role: "system",
            "Extract distinct factual claims from the news article. Format as numbered claims.",
          role: "user",
          content: article,

      const response = await generateText({
        model: openai("o1-mini"),

      const claims = response.text
        .filter((line: string) => line.trim())
        .map((claim: string, index: number) => ({
          id: index + 1,
          text: claim.replace(/^\d+\.\s*/, ""),

      logger.info("Extracted claims", { claimCount: claims.length });
      return claims;
    } catch (error) {
      logger.error("Error in claim extraction", {
        error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : "Unknown error",
      throw error;

// Worker 2: Source Verifier
export const verifySource = task({
  id: "verify-source",
  run: async (claim: Claim) => {
    const response = await generateText({
      model: openai("o1-mini"),
      messages: [
          role: "system",
            "Verify this claim by considering recent news sources and official statements. Assess reliability.",
          role: "user",
          content: claim.text,
      experimental_telemetry: {
        isEnabled: true,
        functionId: "verify-source",

    return {
      claimId: claim.id,
      isVerified: false,
      confidence: 0.7,
      explanation: response.text,

// Worker 3: Historical Context Analyzer
export const analyzeHistory = task({
  id: "analyze-history",
  run: async (claim: Claim) => {
    const response = await generateText({
      model: openai("o1-mini"),
      messages: [
          role: "system",
            "Analyze this claim in historical context, considering past announcements and technological feasibility.",
          role: "user",
          content: claim.text,
      experimental_telemetry: {
        isEnabled: true,
        functionId: "analyze-history",

    return {
      claimId: claim.id,
      feasibility: 0.8,
      historicalContext: response.text,

// Orchestrator
export const newsFactChecker = task({
  id: "news-fact-checker",
  run: async ({ article }: { article: string }) => {
    // Step 1: Extract claims
    const claimsResult = await batch.triggerByTaskAndWait([
      { task: extractClaims, payload: { article } },

    if (!claimsResult.runs[0].ok) {
      logger.error("Failed to extract claims", {
        error: claimsResult.runs[0].error,
        runId: claimsResult.runs[0].id,
      throw new Error(
        `Failed to extract claims: ${claimsResult.runs[0].error}`

    const claims = claimsResult.runs[0].output;

    // Step 2: Process claims in parallel
    const parallelResults = await batch.triggerByTaskAndWait([
      ...claims.map((claim) => ({ task: verifySource, payload: claim })),
      ...claims.map((claim) => ({ task: analyzeHistory, payload: claim })),

    // Split and process results
    const verifications = parallelResults.runs
        (run): run is typeof run & { ok: true } =>
          run.ok && run.taskIdentifier === "verify-source"
      .map((run) => run.output as SourceVerification);

    const historicalAnalyses = parallelResults.runs
        (run): run is typeof run & { ok: true } =>
          run.ok && run.taskIdentifier === "analyze-history"
      .map((run) => run.output as HistoricalAnalysis);

    return { claims, verifications, historicalAnalyses };

Run a test

On the Test page in the dashboard, select the news-fact-checker task and include a payload like the following:

  "article": "Tesla announced a new breakthrough in battery technology today. The company claims their new batteries will have 50% more capacity and cost 30% less to produce. Elon Musk stated this development will enable electric vehicles to achieve price parity with gasoline cars by 2024. The new batteries are scheduled to enter production next quarter at the Texas Gigafactory."

This example payload verifies the claims in the news article and provides a report on the results.