
These examples demonstrate two different ways of using Prisma and Trigger.dev in a Turborepo monorepo. In both examples, a task is triggered from a Next.js app using a server action, which uses Prisma to add a user to a database table. The examples differ in how Trigger.dev is installed and configured.

  • Example 1: Turborepo monorepo demo with Trigger.dev and Prisma packages
  • Example 2: Turborepo monorepo demo with a Prisma package and Trigger.dev installed in a Next.js app

You can either fork the repos below, or simply check out the project structures and code to get an idea of how to set up Trigger.dev in your own monorepos.

Example 1: Turborepo monorepo demo with Trigger.dev and Prisma packages

This simple example demonstrates how to use Trigger.dev and Prisma as packages inside a monorepo created with Turborepo. The Trigger.dev task is triggered by a button click in a Next.js app which triggers the task via a server action.

GitHub repo

Fork the GitHub repo below to get started with this example project.

Check out the Turborepo monorepo demo with Trigger.dev and Prisma packages

Click here to view the full code for this project in our examples repository on GitHub. You can fork it and use it as a starting point for your own project.


  • This monorepo has been created using the Turborepo CLI, following the official Prisma and Turborepo docs, and then adapted for use with Trigger.dev.
  • pnpm has been used as the package manager.
  • A tasks package (@repo/tasks) using Trigger.dev is used to create and execute tasks from an app inside the monorepo.
  • A database package (@repo/db) using Prisma ORM is used to interact with the database. You can use any popular Postgres database supported by Prisma, e.g. Supabase, Neon, etc.
  • A Next.js example app (apps/web) to show how to trigger the task via a server action.

Project structure

Simplified project structure for this example:

| — apps/
|   | — web/                    # Next.js frontend application
|   |   | — app/                # Next.js app router
|   |   |   | — api/
|   |   |   |   | — actions.ts  # Server actions for triggering tasks
|   |   |   | — page.tsx        # Main page with "Add new user" button
|   |   |   | — layout.tsx      # App layout
|   |   | — package.json        # Dependencies including @repo/db and @repo/tasks
|   |
|   | — docs/                   # Documentation app (not fully implemented)
| — packages/
|   | — database/               # Prisma database package (@repo/db)
|   |   | — prisma/
|   |   |   | — schema.prisma   # Database schema definition
|   |   | — generated/          # Generated Prisma client (gitignored)
|   |   | — src/
|   |   |   | — index.ts        # Exports from the database package
|   |   | — package.json        # Database package dependencies
|   |
|   | — tasks/                  # Trigger.dev tasks package (@repo/tasks)
|   |   | — src/
|   |   |   | — index.ts        # Exports from the tasks package
|   |   |   | — trigger/
|   |   |       | — index.ts    # Exports the tasks
|   |   |       | — addNewUser.ts # Task implementation for adding users
|   |   | — trigger.config.ts   # Trigger.dev configuration
|   |   | — package.json        # Tasks package dependencies
|   |
|   | — ui/                     # UI components package (referenced but not detailed)
| — turbo.json                  # Turborepo configuration
| — package.json                # Root package.json with workspace config

Relevant files and code

Database package

Tasks package

to run pnpm dlx trigger.dev@latest init in a blank packages folder, you have to add a package.json file first, otherwise it will attempt to add Trigger.dev files in the root of your monorepo.

You must include the version of Prisma you are using in the trigger.config.ts file, otherwise the Prisma build extension will not work. Learn more about our Prisma build extension.

The Next.js app apps/web

  • The app is a simple Next.js app using the App Router, that uses the @repo/db package to interact with the database and the @repo/tasks package to trigger the task. These are both added as dependencies in the package.json file.
  • The task is triggered from a button click in the app in page.tsx, which uses a server action in /app/api/actions.ts to trigger the task with an example payload.

Running the example

To run this example, check out the full instructions in the GitHub repo README file.

Example 2: Turborepo monorepo demo with a Prisma package and Trigger.dev installed in a Next.js app

This example demonstrates how to use Trigger.dev and Prisma in a monorepo created with Turborepo. Prisma has been added as a package, and Trigger.dev has been installed in a Next.js app. The task is triggered by a button click in the app via a server action.

GitHub repo

Fork the GitHub repo below to get started with this example project.

Check out the Turborepo monorepo demo with a Prisma package and Trigger.dev installed in a Next.js app

Click here to view the full code for this project in our examples repository on GitHub. You can fork it and use it as a starting point for your own project.


  • This monorepo has been created using the Turborepo CLI, following the official Prisma and Turborepo docs, and then adapted for use with Trigger.dev.
  • pnpm has been used as the package manager.
  • A database package (@repo/db) using Prisma ORM is used to interact with the database. You can use any popular Postgres database supported by Prisma, e.g. Supabase, Neon, etc.
  • A Next.js example app (apps/web) to show how to trigger the task via a server action.
  • Trigger.dev initialized and an addNewUser task created in the web app.

Project structure

Simplified project structure for this example:

| — apps/
|   | — web/                       # Next.js frontend application
|   |   | — app/                   # Next.js app router
|   |   |   | — api/
|   |   |   |   | — actions.ts     # Server actions for triggering tasks
|   |   |   | — page.tsx           # Main page with "Add new user" button
|   |   | — src/
|   |   |   | — trigger/
|   |   |       | — addNewUser.ts  # Task implementation for adding users
|   |   | — trigger.config.ts      # Trigger.dev configuration
|   |   | — package.json           # Dependencies including @repo/db
|   |
|   | — docs/                      # Documentation app
|       | — app/
|           | — page.tsx           # Docs landing page
| — packages/
|   | — database/                  # Prisma database package (@repo/db)
|   |   | — prisma/
|   |   |   | — schema.prisma      # Database schema definition
|   |
|   | — ui/                        # UI components package
| — turbo.json                     # Turborepo configuration
| — package.json                   # Root package.json with workspace config

Relevant files and code

Database package (@repo/db)

Next.js app (apps/web)

Running the example

To run this example, check out the full instructions in the GitHub repo README file.