
This example shows how to set up a webhook handler in your existing app for incoming Stripe events. The handler triggers a task when a checkout.session.completed event is received. This is easily customisable to handle other Stripe events.

Key features

  • Shows how to create a Stripe webhook handler in your app
  • Triggers a task from your backend when a checkout.session.completed event is received

Environment variables

You’ll need to configure the following environment variables for this example to work:

  • STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET The secret key used to verify the Stripe webhook signature.
  • TRIGGER_API_URL Your Trigger.dev API url: https://api.trigger.dev
  • TRIGGER_SECRET_KEY Your Trigger.dev secret key

Setting up the Stripe webhook handler

First you’ll need to create a Stripe webhook handler route that listens for POST requests and verifies the Stripe signature.

Here are examples of how you can set up a handler using different frameworks:

Task code

This task is triggered when a checkout.session.completed event is received from Stripe.

import { task } from "@trigger.dev/sdk/v3";
import type stripe from "stripe";

export const stripeCheckoutCompleted = task({
  id: "stripe-checkout-completed",
  run: async (payload: stripe.Checkout.Session) => {
    // Add your custom logic for handling the checkout.session.completed event here

Testing your task locally

To test everything is working you can use the Stripe CLI to send test events to your endpoint:

  1. Install the Stripe CLI, and login
  2. Follow the instructions to test your handler. This will include a temporary STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET that you can use for testing.
  3. When triggering the event, use the checkout.session.completed event type. With the Stripe CLI: stripe trigger checkout.session.completed
  4. If your endpoint is set up correctly, you should see the Stripe events logged in your console with a status of 200.
  5. Then, check the Trigger.dev dashboard and you should see the successful run of the stripe-webhook task.

For more information on setting up and testing Stripe webhooks, refer to the Stripe Webhook Documentation.