

Trigger anything from a database change using Supabase with

Dan Patel

Dan Patel


Image for Trigger anything from a database change using Supabase with


In this article we'll be learning how to use with Supabase:

What are the benefits of using with Supabase?

Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative, providing a backend-as-a-service with a full suite of tools you can use in your projects, including a Postgres-compatible relational database, Database Webhooks, Edge Functions, authentication, instant APIs, realtime and storage.

Used in conjunction with, you can trigger tasks from database events, and then offload the execution to’s elastic infrastructure.

This makes it easy to build event-driven workflows, written in normal code, that interact with your application, database and external services.

// Add a new user
export const supabaseDatabaseInsert = task({
id: "add-new-user",
run: async (payload: { userId: string }) => {
const { userId } = payload;
// Insert a new row into the user_subscriptions table with the provided userId
const { error } = await supabase.from("user_subscriptions").insert({
user_id: userId,
return {
message: `New user added successfully: ${userId}`,

Every run is observable in the dashboard, giving you live trace views and detailed logs to help with development and debugging.

Runs table

Unlocking the power of Supabase and

We have created a series of examples and guides which cover a range of common use cases. They can be extended and modified to get the best out of Supabase and

Triggering tasks from Supabase Edge Functions

Supabase Edge functions are functions that run on the edge, close to your users. They are executed in a secure environment and have access to the same APIs as your application. They can be used to trigger a task from an external event such as a webhook, or from a database event with the payload passed through to the task.

This very basic implementation demonstrates how to trigger a 'Hello World' task from a Supabase Edge Function when the Edge Function URL is visited.

Deno.serve(async () => {
await tasks.trigger<typeof helloWorldTask>(
// Your task id
// Your task payload
"Hello from a Supabase Edge Function!"
return new Response("OK");

To learn how to build this example yourself, check out our Triggering tasks from Supabase Edge Functions guide.

Performing database operations

You can also run CRUD operations directly from your tasks. This is useful for updating your database in response to an event, e.g. a user signing up, or adding data to a database on a repeating schedule, e.g. every day at 10am, etc.

The task below demonstrates updating a user's subscription in a table by either inserting a new row or updating an existing one with the new plan, depending on whether the user already has a subscription.

It takes a payload with a userId and newPlan, and updates the user_subscriptions table in Supabase with the new plan.

export const supabaseUpdateUserSubscription = task({
id: "update-user-subscription",
run: async (payload: { userId: string; newPlan: PlanType }) => {
const { userId, newPlan } = payload;
// Abort the task run without retrying if the new plan type is invalid
if (!["hobby", "pro", "enterprise"].includes(newPlan)) {
throw new AbortTaskRunError(
`Invalid plan type: ${newPlan}. Allowed types are 'hobby', 'pro', or 'enterprise'.`
// Query the user_subscriptions table to check if the user already has a subscription
const { data: existingSubscriptions } = await supabase
.eq("user_id", userId);
if (!existingSubscriptions || existingSubscriptions.length === 0) {
// If there are no existing users with the provided userId and plan, insert a new row
const { error: insertError } = await supabase
user_id: userId,
plan: newPlan,
updated_at: new Date().toISOString(),
// If there was an error inserting the new subscription, throw an error
if (insertError) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to insert user subscription: ${insertError.message}`
} else {
// If the user already has a subscription, update their existing row
const { error: updateError } = await supabase
// Set the plan to the new plan and update the timestamp
.update({ plan: newPlan, updated_at: new Date().toISOString() })
.eq("user_id", userId);
// If there was an error updating the subscription, throw an error
if (updateError) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to update user subscription: ${updateError.message}`
// Return an object with the userId and newPlan
return { userId, newPlan };

Interacting with Supabase storage

Supabase Storage can be used to store images, videos, or any other type of file.

Tasks using Supabase Storage can be useful for media processing, such as transcoding videos, resizing images, AI manipulations, etc.

This task demonstrates uploading a video from a videoUrl to a storage bucket using the Supabase client:

export const supabaseStorageUpload = task({
id: "supabase-storage-upload",
run: async (payload: { videoUrl: string }) => {
const { videoUrl } = payload;
const bucket = "my_bucket";
const objectKey = `video_${}.mp4`;
// Download video data as a buffer
const response = await fetch(videoUrl);
const videoBuffer = await response.buffer();
// Upload the video directly to Supabase Storage
const { error } = await
.upload(objectKey, videoBuffer, {
contentType: "video/mp4",
upsert: true,
// Return the video object key and bucket
return {
bucket: bucket,

To learn more, check out our Supabase Storage Upload examples in our docs.

Creating a video processing and AI pipeline

You can also trigger tasks from database events, such as a new row being inserted into a table. This adds realtime functionality to your tasks, allowing you to build workflows that respond to changes in your database.

In this more advanced example, we'll show you how to trigger a task when a row is added to a table in a Supabase database, using a Database Webhook and Edge Function.

This task will download a video from a URL, extract the audio using FFmpeg, transcribe the video using Deepgram and then update the table with the new transcription.

Triggering a task from a database event

In Supabase, a database webhook has been created which triggers an Edge Function called video-processing-handler when a new row containing a video_url is inserted into the video_uploads table. The webhook will pass the new row data to the Edge Function as a payload.

This Edge Function triggers a videoProcessAndUpdate task:


Deno.serve(async (req) => {
const payload = await req.json();
// This payload will contain the video url and id from the new row in the table
const videoUrl = payload.record.video_url;
const id =;
// Trigger the videoProcessAndUpdate task with the videoUrl payload
await tasks.trigger<typeof videoProcessAndUpdate>(
{ videoUrl, id }
console.log(payload ?? "No name provided");
return new Response("ok");

Creating the video processing task

The videoProcessAndUpdate task takes the payload from the Edge Function, and uses it to download the video as a temporary file from the URL, then transcribes the video using Deepgram AI and then updates the video_uploads table in Supabase with the new transcription.


export const videoProcessAndUpdate = task({
id: "video-process-and-update",
run: async (payload: { videoUrl: string; id: number }) => {
const { videoUrl, id } = payload;
const outputPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), `audio_${}.wav`);
const response = await fetch(videoUrl);
// Extract the audio using FFmpeg
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!response.body) {
return reject(new Error("Failed to fetch video"));
"-vn", // Disable video output
"-acodec pcm_s16le", // Use PCM 16-bit little-endian encoding
"-ar 44100", // Set audio sample rate to 44.1 kHz
"-ac 2", // Set audio channels to stereo
.on("end", resolve)
.on("error", reject)
logger.log(`Audio extracted from video`, { outputPath });
// Transcribe the audio using Deepgram
const { result, error } = await deepgram.listen.prerecorded.transcribeFile(
model: "nova-2", // Use the Nova 2 model
smart_format: true, // Automatically format the transcription
diarize: true, // Enable speaker diarization
if (error) throw error;
// Extract the transcription from the result
const transcription =
fs.unlinkSync(outputPath); // Delete the temporary audio file
logger.log(`Temporary audio file deleted`, { outputPath });
const { error: updateError } = await supabase
// Update the transcription and video_url columns
.update({ transcription: transcription, video_url: videoUrl })
// Find the row by its ID
.eq("id", id);
if (updateError) {
throw new Error(`Failed to update transcription: ${updateError.message}`);
return {
message: `Summary of the audio: ${transcription}`,

--- Insert video of the run in the dashboard here ---

--- Insert image of the table with the transcription here ---

To build this example yourself, check out our Triggering tasks from database events guide in our docs.

Next steps

In this article we've covered how to trigger tasks from Supabase Edge Functions, perform database operations and interact with Supabase Storage. We've also shown you how to trigger tasks from database events, and build a more complex workflow that interacts with your database and external services.

To follow along with the examples in this article, all our guides and examples can be found in our docs.

If you found this article useful, please consider sharing it with anyone you think would be interested in using Supabase with

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