Trigger anything from a database change. Sync your database and services.

Using our official Supabase integration

  • Easily subscribe to Supabase webhooks to trigger your jobs.

  • Create any tasks possible with the Supabase API.

  • Use io.runTask() and the official SDK or fetch.

  • Example code using Supabase

    Below are some working code examples of how you can use Supabase with These samples are open source and maintained by the community, you can copy and paste them into your own projects.

    import { SupabaseManagement } from "";
    import { Database } from "./mocks/supabase-types";
    import { Resend } from "";
    import { TriggerClient } from "";
    // Use OAuth to authenticate with Supabase Management API
    const supabaseManagement = new SupabaseManagement({
    id: "supabase-management",
    const db = supabaseManagement.db<Database>(
    // process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL! // Use if using standard Supabase domain
    process.env.SUPABASE_REFERENCE_ID! // Use if using a Supabase custom domain
    const resend = new Resend({
    id: "resend",
    apiKey: process.env.RESEND_API_KEY!,
    // This job triggers when a Supabase user confirms their email address
    id: "welcome-email-campaign",
    name: "Welcome Email Campaign",
    version: "1.0.0",
    trigger: db.onUpdated({
    // This job triggers when there is an update in the 'users' table of the 'auth' schema.
    // Specifically, it watches for a change in the 'email_confirmed_at' field from null (unconfirmed email)
    // to a timestamp (confirmed email).
    schema: "auth",
    table: "users",
    filter: {
    old_record: {
    email_confirmed_at: [{ $isNull: true }],
    record: {
    email_confirmed_at: [{ $isNull: false }],
    integrations: {
    run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    if (! {
    const isTestOrDev = || ctx.environment.type === "DEVELOPMENT";
    // Only wait for 10 seconds when running as a test or in the development environment
    await io.wait("wait-1", isTestOrDev ? 10 : 60 * 60); // 1 hour
    const email1 = await io.resend.sendEmail("email-1", {
    subject: `Thanks for joining Acme Inc`,
    text: `Hi there, welcome to our community! This is the first email we send you to help you get started.`,
    from: process.env.RESEND_FROM_EMAIL!,
    await io.wait("wait-2", isTestOrDev ? 10 : 60 * 60 * 12); // 12 hours
    const email2 = await io.resend.sendEmail("email-2", {
    subject: `Here are some tips to get started`,
    text: `Hi there, welcome to our community! This is the second email we send you to help you get started.`,
    from: process.env.RESEND_FROM_EMAIL!,
    await io.wait("wait-3", isTestOrDev ? 10 : 60 * 60 * 24); // 24 hours
    const email3 = await io.resend.sendEmail("email-3", {
    subject: "Do you have any questions?",
    text: `Hi there, welcome to our community! This is the third email we send you to help you get started.`,
    from: process.env.RESEND_FROM_EMAIL!,
    return {