Create and manage community interactions with bots and webhooks.

Using the Discord API with

You can use with any existing Node SDK or even just using fetch. Using io.runTask makes your Discord background job resumable and appear in our dashboard.

  • Use io.runTask() and the official SDK or fetch.

  • Use our HTTP endpoint to subscribe to webhooks

  • Example code using Discord

    Below are some working code examples of how you can use Discord with These samples are open source and maintained by the community, you can copy and paste them into your own projects.

    import nacl from "tweetnacl";
    import { TriggerClient } from "";
    const verifyRequestSignature = async (request: Request): Promise<any[]> => {
    const body = await request.text();
    const jsonBody = JSON.parse(body);
    const signature = request.headers.get("x-signature-ed25519");
    const timestamp = request.headers.get("x-signature-timestamp");
    const discordKey = process.env.DISCORD_APPLICATION_KEY;
    if (!discordKey || !signature || !timestamp) return [false, jsonBody];
    return [
    Buffer.from(timestamp + body),
    Buffer.from(signature, "hex"),
    Buffer.from(discordKey, "hex")
    const discord = client.defineHttpEndpoint({
    id: "discord",
    source: "",
    icon: "discord",
    // This is only needed for APIs like Discord which don't setup the webhook until you pass the test
    respondWith: {
    // Don't trigger runs if they match this filter
    skipTriggeringRuns: true,
    filter: {
    method: ["POST"],
    handler: async (request) => {
    const success = await verifyRequestSignature(request);
    // If Discord signature and timestamp don't match, return 401
    if (!success[0]) return new Response("Unauthorized", { status: 401 });
    // If successful, get the Interaction Type sent by Discord of the request
    const { type } = success[1];
    // If it's type 1, it's a PING from discord, just respond with the type as is
    if (Number(type) === 1)
    return new Response(JSON.stringify({ type }), {
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    // If it's type 2, it's a Slash Command from Discord, respond with what you want to be replied
    if (Number(type) === 2)
    return new Response(
    type: 4,
    data: {
    content: `Hello, New!`,
    { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }
    // If not either of the above types, just return a 400
    return new Response(JSON.stringify({ error: "bad request" }), {
    status: 400,
    verify: async (request) => {
    const success = await verifyRequestSignature(request);
    if (success[0]) return { success: success[0] };
    return { success: false, reason: "Failed ed25519 verification" };
    // A job that runs when the HTTP endpoint is called from Discord
    id: "http-discord",
    name: "HTTP Discord",
    version: "1.0.0",
    enabled: true,
    // Create a trigger from the HTTP endpoint
    trigger: discord.onRequest(),
    run: async (request, io, ctx) => {
    const body = await request.json();
    await`Body`, body);