Manage payments, invoices, and more with Square's APIs.

Using the Square API with

You can use with any existing Node SDK or even just using fetch. Using io.runTask makes your Square background job resumable and appear in our dashboard.

  • Use io.runTask() and the official SDK or fetch.

  • Use our HTTP endpoint to subscribe to webhooks

  • Example code using Square

    Below is a working code example of how you can use Square with These samples are open source and maintained by the community, you can copy and paste them into your own projects.

    import { TriggerClient } from "";
    import { WebhooksHelper } from "square";
    import { Slack } from "";
    const slack = new Slack({ id: "slack" });
    // Go to your Square developer account
    // Create and open an application
    // Go to Webhooks > Subscriptions
    // Add a subscription and add your trigger webhooks url in url field
    // Select events you want to be notified about
    // Save the webhook
    // Obtain the Webhook Signature Key and Notification URL
    // Create an HTTP Endpoint, with the Square details
    const square = client.defineHttpEndpoint({
    id: "square",
    source: "",
    icon: "square",
    verify: async (request) => {
    const body = await request.text();
    const isFromSquare = WebhooksHelper.isValidWebhookEventSignature(
    request.headers.get("x-square-hmacsha256-signature") ?? "",
    process.env.SQUARE_WEBHOOK_SIGNATURE_KEY ?? "",
    if (!isFromSquare) {
    return {
    success: false,
    reason: "Invalid Square Signature",
    } else {
    return {
    success: true,
    //Our job sends a Slack message when customer is created or deleted
    id: "http-square",
    name: "HTTP Square",
    version: "1.0.0",
    enabled: true,
    // Create a trigger from the HTTP endpoint
    trigger: square.onRequest(),
    integrations: {
    run: async (request, io, ctx) => {
    const body = await request.json();
    await`Body`, body);
    const customer =;
    switch (body.type) {
    case "customer.created": {
    await io.slack.postMessage("customer-created", {
    channel: process.env.SLACK_CHANNEL!,
    text: `Customer created:\n ${customer.given_name} ${customer.family_name}`,
    case "customer.deleted": {
    await io.slack.postMessage("customer-deleted", {
    channel: process.env.SLACK_CHANNEL!,
    text: `Customer deleted:\n ${customer.given_name} ${customer.family_name}`,