Tasks are executed after the job is triggered and are the main building blocks of a job. You can string together as many tasks as you want.

All tasks


Creates a new issue in a repository. Official GitHub docs.

await io.github.createIssue("create issue", {
  owner: "<owner-name>", // the name of the owner of the repository
  repo: "<repo-name>", // the name of the repository
  title: "<issue-title>", // the title of the issue
  body: "<issue-description>", // the contents of the issue


Adds assignees to an existing issue. Official GitHub docs.

await io.github.addIssueAssignees("add assignee", {
  owner: "<owner-name>", // the name of the owner of the repository
  repo: "<repo-name>", // the name of the repository
  issueNumber: <issue-number>, // the number of the issue
  assignees: ["<assignee-name>"], // the name(s) of the assignee(s)


Adds labels to an existing issue. Official GitHub docs.

await io.github.addIssueLabels("add label", {
  owner: "<owner-name>", // the name of the owner of the repository
  repo: "<repo-name>", // the name of the repository
  issueNumber: <issue-number>, // the number of the issue
  labels: ["<label-name>"], // the name(s) of the label(s)


Creates a new comment on an existing issue. Official GitHub docs.

await io.github.createIssueComment("create comment", {
  owner: "<owner-name>", // the name of the owner of the repository
  repo: "<repo-name>", // the name of the repository
  issueNumber: <issue-number>, // the number of the issue
  body: "<comment-text>", // the contents of the comment


Retrieves information about a repository. Official GitHub docs.

const repoInfo = await io.github.getRepo({
  owner: "<owner-name>", // the name of the owner of the repository
  repo: "<repo-name>", // the name of the repository


Creates a new comment on an existing issue with a reaction. Official GitHub docs.

await io.github.createIssueCommentWithReaction("create comment with reaction", {
  owner: "<owner-name>", // the name of the owner of the repository
  repo: "<repo-name>", // the name of the repository
  issueNumber: <issue-number>, // the number of the issue
  body: "<comment-text>", // the contents of the comment
  content: "<reaction-type>", // the type of reaction


Adds a reaction to an existing issue comment. Official GitHub docs.

await io.github.addIssueCommentReaction("add reaction", {
  owner: "<owner-name>", // the name of the owner of the repository
  repo: "<repo-name>", // the name of the repository
  commentId: <comment-id>, // the id of the specific comment
  content: "<reaction-type>", // the type of reaction


Updates an existing webhook. Official GitHub docs.

await io.github.updateWebhook("update webhook", {
  owner: "<owner-name>", // the name of the owner of the repository
  repo: "<repo-name>", // the name of the repository
  webhookId: <webhook-id>, // the unique id of the webhook
  config: {
    url: "<webhook-url>", // the url to which payloads will be delivered
    contentType: "json", // the media type used to serialize the payloads
    secret: "<webhook-secret>", // If provided, the secret will be used as the key to generate the HMAC hex digest value for delivery signature headers.


Creates a new webhook. Official GitHub docs.

await io.github.createWebhook("create webhook", {
  owner: "<owner-name>", // the name of the owner of the repository
  repo: "<repo-name>", // the name of the repository
  config: {
    url: "<webhook-url>", // the url to which payloads will be delivered
    contentType: "json", // the media type used to serialize the payloads
    secret: "<webhook-secret>", // If provided, the secret will be used as the key to generate the HMAC hex digest value for delivery signature headers.
  events: ["<event-type>"], // the events for which the webhook will trigger


Lists the webhooks for a repository. Official GitHub docs.

const webhooks = await io.github.listWebhooks({
  owner: "<owner-name>", // the name of the owner of the repository
  repo: "<repo-name>", // the name of the repository


Updates an existing webhook for an organization. Official GitHub docs.

await io.github.updateOrgWebhook("update org webhook", {
  org: "<organization-name>", // the name of the organization
  webhookId: <webhook-id>, // the unique id of the webhook
  config: {
    url: "<webhook-url>", // the url to which payloads will be delivered
    contentType: "json", // the media type used to serialize the payloads
    secret: "<webhook-secret>", // If provided, the secret will be used as the key to generate the HMAC hex digest value for delivery signature headers.


Creates a new webhook for an organization. Official GitHub docs.

await io.github.createOrgWebhook("create org webhook", {
  org: "<organization-name>", // the name of the organization
  config: {
    url: "<webhook-url>", // the url to which payloads will be delivered
    contentType: "json", // the media type used to serialize the payloads
    secret: "<webhook-secret>", // If provided, the secret will be used as the key to generate the HMAC hex digest value for delivery signature headers.
  events: ["<event-type>"], // the events for which the webhook will trigger


Lists the webhooks for an organization. Official GitHub docs.

const orgWebhooks = await io.github.listOrgWebhooks({
  org: "<organization-name>", // the name of the organization
  per-page: <number>, // the number of webhooks to return per page (max 100)
  page: <number>, // Page number of the results to fetch.

Example usage

In this example we’ll create a task that adds an assignee and a label to an issue when it’s opened.

  id: "github-integration-on-issue-opened",
  name: "GitHub Integration - On Issue Opened",
  version: "1.0.0",
  integrations: { github },
  trigger: github.triggers.repo({
    event: events.onIssueOpened,
    owner: "<your-org-name>",
    repo: "<your-repo-name>",
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    await io.github.addIssueAssignees("add assignee", {
      owner: payload.repository.owner.login,
      repo: payload.repository.name,
      issueNumber: payload.issue.number,
      assignees: ["<assignee-name>"],

    await io.github.addIssueLabels("add label", {
      owner: payload.repository.owner.login,
      repo: payload.repository.name,
      issueNumber: payload.issue.number,
      labels: ["<label-name>"],

    return { payload, ctx };

Using the underlying GitHub client

You can access the Octokit instance by using the runTask method on the integration:

const github = new Github({
  id: "github",

  id: "github-example-1",
  name: "GitHub Example 1",
  version: "0.1.0",
  trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "github.example",
  integrations: {
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    const contributors = await io.github.runTask(
      async (octokit, task) => {
        const contributors = await octokit.rest.repos.listContributors({
          owner: "<owner-name>",
          repo: "<repo-name>",

        return contributors;
      //this is optional, it will appear on the Run page
      { name: "List Contributors" }