
Our Airtable integration allows you to easily connect to the Airtable API and perform tasks such as creating / updating / deleting single or multiple records in your tables.


To get started with our Airtable integration, you need to install the @trigger.dev/airtable packages. You can do this using npm, pnpm, or yarn:


To use the Airtable API with Trigger.dev, you can either use OAuth or a Personal Access Token.


To use OAuth you can connect to Airtable via the Trigger.dev web app. Click ‘Integrations’ in the side panel of any project, configure Airtable with a unique ID and the required scopes.

import { Airtable } from "@trigger.dev/airtable";

//this will use OAuth
const airtable = new Airtable({
  id: "airtable",

Personal Access Token

You can create an Airtable Personal Access Token here.

import { Airtable } from "@trigger.dev/airtable";

//this will use the passed in token (defined in your environment variables)
const airtable = new Airtable({
  id: "airtable",
  token: process.env["AIRTABLE_TOKEN"],


Once you have set up a Airtable client, you can use it to create tasks.


Perform tasks such as creating / updating / deleting single or multiple records in table.

Example jobs

Code examples

Check out pre-built jobs using Airtable in our API section.