You can create statuses in your Job code. This gives you fine grained control over what you want to expose.

It allows you to:

  • Show exactly what you want in your UI (with as many statuses as you want).
  • Pass arbitrary data to your UI, which you can use to render elements.
  • Update existing elements in your UI as the progress of the run continues.

In your Job code

You should create a “status”, which you can then update throughout the Job if you’d like to. You can create more than one status. Each of these will come through to the hook with the latest status and the history for each.

//your job
  id: "meme-generator",
  name: "Generate memes",
  version: "0.1.1",
  trigger: eventTrigger({
    name: "generate-memes",
  run: async (payload, io, ctx) => {
    //create a status "generating-memes"
    //you give it the starting state. Only label is required
    const generatingMemes = await io.createStatus("generating-memes", {
      //the label is compulsory on this first call
      label: "Generating memes",
      //state is optional
      state: "loading",
      //data is an optional object. the values can be any type that is JSON serializable
      data: {
        progress: 0.1,

    // stuff, like generate memes

    //update the generatingMemes status.
    //anything set here will override the previous values, but you'll be able to view the full history with hooks
    await generatingMemes.update("middle-generation", {
      //label isn't specified so will remain the same
      //state will be updated to "success"
      state: "success",
      //set data, this overrides the previous value
      data: {
        progress: 1,
        urls: [

In this case we created just a single status generating-memes and then updated it. It’s worth noting that you can create as many statuses as you’d like in a single Job and you can update them as many times as you want.

This allows you to fine-grained control over how you report progress and output data from your Job.

Using the React hooks

There are two hooks you can use in your UI to display the Run statuses.

  • useEventRunStatuses: get the statuses of a run that was triggered by a specified event
  • useRunStatuses: get the statuses of the specified run


The useEventRunStatuses hook will give you the statuses and overview data of the first run that is triggered by an event.

This component will show the details of a Run and the status of each task in the Run:

import { useEventRunStatuses } from "";

export function EventRunData({ id }: { id: string }) {
  const { fetchStatus, error, statuses, run } = useEventRunStatuses(id);

  if (fetchStatus === "loading") {
    return <p>Loading...</p>;

  if (fetchStatus === "error") {
    return (

  return (
      //you receive the overall status of the run, e.g. SUCCESS, FAIL
      <div>Run status: {run.status}</div>
        { => {
          switch (status.key) {
            case "generating-memes": {
              const urls = as string[] | undefined;
              return (
                <div key={status.key}>
                  // Will display: "Generating memes: loading"
                    {status.label}: {status.state}
                  //will render the memes as images
                  {urls?.map((url) => <img key={url} src={url} />)}
      //this is what's returned from the run function
      {run.output && (
          <pre>{JSON.stringify(run.output, null, 2)}</pre>


The useRunStatuses hook will give you the statuses and overview data of a specific Run.

This component will show the details of a Run and the status of each task in the Run:

import { useRunStatuses } from "";

export function RunData({ id }: { id: string }) {
  const { fetchStatus, error, statuses, run } = useRunStatuses(id);

  if (fetchStatus === "loading") {
    return <p>Loading...</p>;

  if (fetchStatus === "error") {
    return (

  return (
      //you receive the overall status of the run, e.g. SUCCESS, FAIL
      <div>Run status: {run.status}</div>
        { => {
          switch (status.key) {
            case "generating-memes": {
              const urls = as string[] | undefined;
              return (
                <div key={status.key}>
                  // Will display: "Generating memes: loading"
                    {status.label}: {status.state}
                  //will render the memes as images
                  {urls?.map((url) => <img key={url} src={url} />)}
      //this is what's returned from the run function
      {run.output && (
          <pre>{JSON.stringify(run.output, null, 2)}</pre>